rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
Tarry Not

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My 30 mile ride went well today�a bit faster and slightly less painful.

I've been feeling queasy all week�today is better. It sucks to always feel sick and to know that there is tarry stool [surprise, gross poo!] waiting to arrive several times daily. On the up side, it helps me to think about my possible off-season weight project. I need to plan meals and it takes so long�and lunch? Has always been a great dilemma for me. And protein�is not my friend. NOT MY FRIEND!! I love the carbs�they are easy to digest and yum, do they taste good.

I probably lost you up there at "tarry stool." No need to tarry, Mr. Stool.

Kay was here for a day. It was fun to see her and chat with her. As in the diary, I talk far too much about the workouts, but Kay is very good-natured about that...and since she's a physician she has good advice about my minor ailments and is tolerant of my general neuroses. A lovely guest. She's also good about it when I change to present tense in mid-paragraph.

It's all devolving into nothing�time to iron and pack up for the work week.

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