rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
No poo at all

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I hate the humidity. I truly detest it. I want cold weather. I dream of nice 40 degree weather�easy on my lungs. Propelling my body forward feels like punishment�what did I do to deserve this?

So about the STAY AT HOME MOM story that I sent to Harriet that she blogged about�yes, Amy Sohn is repellent and a moron. But I'm puzzled on another score�all these stay-at-home-mom "SAHMs" that she blogs about�how does she know their work status? She's too good to chat with them and too repulsed to get to know them. DO vacationing teachers not discuss poo? Do freelancers not discuss the developmental stages of children? Do women who work the evening shift at hospitals not take their children to the park? What worries me about Amy Sohn's rant is that it suggests that the real target of her wrath is any mother who spends weekday time with her children and who is willing to talk to others about child-centered topics. So�this is not allowed? Huh! Uh, it must be great to be so good and hip and formerly salacious. Good thing there are Tibetans to lighten the load.

For my next trick, I will propel myself to the sofa.

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