rs536-2000 . diaryland . com

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I went out before work to do a run. I feel a bit ridiculous taking Advil, Advair and Sudafed, but given the problems I've been having I have promised myself to take at least Advair and Sudafed whenever I go out to run. I don't know if the Sudafed helped, but it was a beautiful, relatively cool morning and I managed the entire 3.3 miles with no difficulty.

I got my period. After only 24 days. I really hate that--it's so ridiculous. There's no reason for me to be using birth control and I am suspicious of long-acting methods, but Kay was telling me yesterday about this Mirena IUD because many/most women don't menstruate while they are on it. It keeps the uterine lining from thickening and thus it doesn't need to slough off. Apparently, in Europe it's used for women to treat heavy, painful bleeding. The hormone (Levonorgestrel) goes directly into the lining of the womb. On days like this, that seems pretty appealing.

The next few weeks are likely to be pretty quiet at work--it's hard for me to find motivation in this situation. Today I need to go to Kinkos and see about getting a poster printed out. I need to leave my crankiness in the office when I go. Dim assholes at Kinkos were supposed to contact me last week. I asked for the guy when I called several times and kept being told that he'd be there in about an hour. I left a message. Again on Friday, I was told that he'd be there in about an hour when I called at noon. I asked the person I last spoke with if he was on vacation and she said that he wasn’t. The whole situation reminds me of the "tuttle" episode of MASH when Trapper and Hawkeye convince everyone that the fictional Tuttle exists and he gets 14 months of pay, which then goes to the orphans. I bet this H3ru I'm supposed to talk with is just a scapegoat for the fuckups of the rest of the Kinkos staff. Should be a fun trip this afternoon.

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