rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
The hills are alive...with the sounds of needles

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The other day someone asked me about my tattoos and whether I regret them. I don�t. Je ne regrette rien. Right? Because I'm so compliant.

My mother is some kind of denial about the tattoos and her response to them. When I got the first one, 15 years ago, she told me it was "low class and trashy and tacky and cheap." Last week she indicated that I must have inferred that description from what she implied. Uh, yeah. Way to go with the revisionist history, Mom.

I told her NO, that indeed she had said those exact words, which I think have quite a musicality about them. Tunelessly, I chanted LOW class and TRASHY and TACKY and CHEAP. She then she sang it to the tune of �These are a few of my favorite things.� I imagine Julie Andrews singing, "Low clahss and trahshy and tahcky and cheap." Yup, Liesl vonm Trapp woulda been in A LOT of trouble.

Thanks to Freshhell for sending her newest transport CD. There are some wonderful songs on there.

Happy weekend everyone.

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