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It was an interesting evening. I had my strength training class and about 5 minutes into class TrainerGuy said to me, “What’s up with you this’re so quiet.”

I said, “Do you miss [the real] me?”

He said, “I’m not used to you being so compliant.”

Me. Compliant. COMPLIANT. It’s hard for me to even type the word—it keeps coming out “complaint,” which is more my style. Compliant, no...complaint...YES! Compliant, malleable, submissive, meek and mild...all show bad planning. I did work very hard in the class and I have some quadricep pain to show for it. I was compliant because I’ve decided that I need to work harder...a lot order to be able to finish my race in 7ish weeks. I’m nervous.

Meanwhile, the acupuncturist. I have one more appointment scheduled and then I may stop going. The woman is very sweet, but she’s a bit invasive for me. During the first meeting, I had off-handedly mentioned that ultimately I might need to change my diet and she brought up my weight yesterday after I TOLD HER that there was nothing wanted to discuss with respect to my treatment. If being holistic means that you are going to bring up topics I don’t want to discuss, I’m done. I expect a lot of respect from my healthcare providers and a lot of hippie-dippie sweetness is no substitute for that. I wasn’t particularly compliant because I told her that I don’t want to make any changes until my races are could be too disruptive on my training regimen. Feh.

People suck...that’s my radical analysis.

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