rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
Quick, where's the Chief Drudge

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I went to bed last night and woke up this morning (at 6AM) thinking about making Hamantaschen. Tomorrow Purim starts, and although I will have to work I want to bake tonight. The dough for Hamantashen (which are triangular butter cookies filled will jam) is very forgiving, though it�s sometimes hard to get the triangles to stay closed. I was just looking at a recipe that says to use water for that purpose and I�m curious to see how that goes.

And now for something completely the same�I�ve been thinking about my job. In research, my title (Project Director) is understood to be the 2nd in a hierarachy�with the big boss and grant/journal article guru being the Principal Investigator and the lowly worms being the Research Assistants or Administrative Assistants. I think if my job were to be described accuately, it would be something like: Chief Drudge in Charge of Hand-Holding. I hold my subordinates� hands, hold my boss�s hands and am not expected to produce much work aside from this hand-holding, fire-extinguishing crap. Oh, and I make sure the bills are paid. Wah Hoo. I�m not too excited about it. I�m happy not to be unemployed, but that�s basically all I can say. I do NOT like hand-holding. It would be a lot more satisfying to hold the hands of children than the hands of adults. I wish people could use their judgment. Actually, 2 of my three employees have decent judgment and 2 out of three ain�t bad�but I still feel irritable about it.

I did the 15 miles of biking last night and it was fine�there are only two more indoor biking classes left until they let me loose outside. I still have big, angry bruises from my mishap with the clipless pedals from 2 weeks ago and I�m dreading going out with them again. I�m hoping Sunday is a pretty day, so I can test them out again. If it doesn�t work out, JC will change the pedals back for me. But, they do give me more power, so we�ll have to see if I can get over my anxiety. QUICK, QUCIK, DON�T PANIC. That always works.

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