rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
Feliz Purim

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I went with M today to buy tkts for the play Glengarry Glen Ross for May. On the way back to the office, I stopped at a Chinese/Mexican place to get a �fajita.� There was a young-ish woman waiting there for her order. She seemed very anxious that it be right. She said: �I want 2 Sow-uh creams on the side�please.�

The Chinese guy behind the counter did not acknowledge her request. She paused, and said with the exactly same tone and cadence: �I want 2 Sow-uh creams on the side�please.�

He said, �Soda?�

She said more loudly, �I want 2 Sow-uh creams on the side�please.�

Apparently, she had paid for her order already, because the counterman passed the order over to her.

She said, I want 2 Sow-uh creams on the side�please.�

He said, �They in dere awready.� Nice. I thought I was going to scream.

I�m looking forward to swimming tonight. The Hamantaschen-making was fun, but I ate lots of butter and flour in the process and I�m ready to work some of that fatty goodness off my body. Also, I have a habit of forgetting that certain things (Brownies and muffins) are great to eat warm, while butter cookie dough gives me a bellyache. The final product was good today though, and the people who received them seemed pleased.

Happy Purim.

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