rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
Poor us

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Poor diaryland�when it rains it pours. I intend to relocate to typepad or blogspot soon. Very soon. I�m starting to feel like I�m not getting my $3/month worth. Petty. Yes.

I�m still excited about the race on Saturday (click back two entries if the outage has prevented you from reading about my 13 mile experience). I�ve been so excited I�ve been eating sugar non-stop. Whoa, Nelly! I need to cut back on that before I expand out of my new clothing�that would be a bummer.

D, the chiro, has been working on my psoas muscle, which is very very tight on the left side. I have a hard time letting her work it�I feel ticklish and vulnerable and it�s way too near the vagina (bring it on, yahoo�tight vagina) to be comfortable. As a result of my fighting with D, I have a lovely bruise just above my hipbone. Very nice. If I had a lover s/he�d be pretty suspicious, I would imagine. At least I would be�yeah, it�s the chiropractor�s fault. RIGHT!?

Just so you understand my lack of follow-through on the sugar thing, I�m now eating a nice big chocolate chip cookie. Because I�m biking 15-20 miles tonight and I need the sustenance, poor little me. Poor big me. Poor me.

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