rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
Visiting aunts and blowhards

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I�m here, but not so much. I have company at home, which makes me sleep restlessly. Also, Company was watching something on TV last night that devolved into bagpipes. I detest bagpipes so much that it woke me from a sound sleep.

Half-marathon minus 71 hours. I�m feeling a serious case of�give me a P! give me an M! give me an S!�what does it spell? Well, you know. I�m hoping, and praying that my aunt from red river valley (ain�t that so clever�that�s what my mom�s cohorts said in the late 40s) arrives ya mismo. I really do not want to be just starting the bleed during a 13 mile run. That would blow. I did a short bike workout last night (12 miles) and felt really bad. I need to make sure to do a LOT of stretching before the half-marathon. And I should NOT drink red wine before a workout. My guest brought wine that I love and we had a glass before I biked. I guess it wasn�t such a great mix. Shocking.

Yesterday, my boss and I met with our visiting blowhard. This gentleman is a very well-published scientific theorist. We were taking about Hepatitis C and he was having a hard time letting my boss get a word in. This is not a good thing, given that my boss is considered an expert in Hepatitis transmission in Drug Users and has been working in the field for over 10 years. She handled him well, which depressed me into believing that she has a lot of experience handling overblown male egos. This is really NOT something I�m interested in becoming adept at. I�d rather just be hostile. I�m not kidding. And this is another good reason not to go for a PhD�too much casting pearl before swine for my personality, it appears.

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