rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
H-hour minus 46

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Work, work, work. I have to admit that I�m not really in work mode at the moment. I did my final run (before the Brooklyn Half) this morning. I did 3 miles in 36 minutes and went home trying to imagine doing 10 miles more than that. Hard to imagine. We had our pre-race meeting last night, where we receiving some PowerBar gels to eat during the race. We did not receive shirts from the store, and I�m sorely tempted to wear the shirt that the competition gave me. It has that store�s name in big navy blue letters.

There�s someone in my group who I really want to beat at the race, which is ridiculous�I should be content to finish the race. However, there�s this really annoying woman who has these pacing problems (she goes out too fast and loses 10-20 seconds in each mile she runs). She�s really patronizing when I come in a few seconds after her, though, and I find that incredibly annoying. If I could just beat her by 20 seconds, I�d be happy. I understand that I should focus on completing the race, but I find her so irritating, it makes me want to kick some butt. Considering that only 20 or 30 people (out of 3000ish) are likely to finish more slowly than I will, I should chill the hell out. But I can�t. And the PMS-y-ness is not helping me.

On a happy note, I will be working from home tomorrow with my feet up and pillows under my knees. That makes it all worthwhile. I�m hoping to nap a lot because Friday night�s sleep is bound to be bad�I�ll be nervous and I have to get up by 5:30AM in order to meet my group at the subway at 6:20. Scary. I�m consumed.

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