rs536-2000 . diaryland . com
Worser and worser

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I went to dinner at L�s on Saturday night. There were two other guests, one of whom I liked very much and the other of whom I wanted to drop-kick.

It�s true that I�m a very judgmental person. It�s also true that, aside from my close friends, I don�t want people to analyze my motives, actions, etc. I find it to be rude and invasive. I have also found, to make a gross generalization, that very thin women like to give advice to those of us who are slightly overweight as though they understand what it�s like to be treated differently because you�re �chubby.�

Let�s just say that I don�t go around acting like I know what it�s like to be: Black, Mormon, Greek, anorexic, disabled, or uneducated. [Wow, wouldn�t it suck to be all of those things combined.] Similarly, very thin women should try to realize that being overweight is an experience they don�t have and so they really should exercise caution in making value judgments about the way in which I have chosen to handle my life/appearance.

I got to hear things like: �I don�t understand why you let other people determine how you act�don�t be afraid to SHINE�you don�t NEED to worry about what other people say and do. YOU�RE BEAUTIFUL!�

I wanted to say something about how we live in a social world and those of us who give no regard to other people are called sociopaths, and not being a sociopath, I do consider how my actions impact other people and how their actions impact me [dumbass].�

I really resent these �every-day-in-every-way-you�re-getting-better-and-better� people. Giving lip-service to an unrealistic behavior isn�t self-actualizing, it�s simply lying to oneself. And really, maybe people should get to know someone before making these snap judgments. There are reasons that becoming an analyst is an arduous process�presumable there�s more to it than some I�M-ok-YOU�RE-ok feel-good clich�s. Dumb, righteous people really get under my skin.

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